Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Everybody eats bacon, but no one wants to stab the pig
Well, in my opinion this note from Anthony Bourdain is very good, it make us see how the reality is...
its all only about taking the time to think how people worked preparing the food we are eating, in this case bacon and about stabbing the pig.

Confort Zone
i disagree a little bit with this note, because i dont like the idea of a "very important" person talking bad about something, cause that may have a big influence in people, in my opinion if he wants to express bad things about Cambodian, he must find the right way so it doesn´t create polemic.

i Hate My Shirt
i think this topic is very diferent from others, but more interesting, because he is talking about when we are not confortable in life, and he gets into the note talking about his family, i found it interesting because it doesnt talk THAT MUCH about his program, instead he is talking about ideals.

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